Victor Tabbush

Victor Tabbush consults with SocioEconomix on a range of healthcare-related initiatives. He is Professor Emeritus at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Dr. Tabbush’s work includes transforming the health care delivery system for complex, high-need, high-cost older adults and for those living with severe disabilities. He also has focused on the integration of the social determinants of health into the medical system, a program supported by the Commonwealth Fund, the Scan Foundation and the Colorado Health Foundation. Dr. Tabbush is the founding director of the UCLA/Johnson & Johnson Management Development Institute (MDI), which built management and leadership capacity of health systems in sub-Saharan Africa. He is also founding director of the UCLA/Johnson & Johnson Health Care Executive program, which served U.S. community clinics and AIDS service organizations.

With prior experience on the faculty of the University of Nairobi and familiarity with the region, Tabbush was well positioned to lead the formation in 2006 of MDI, Anderson's most venerable and established formal partnership with African countries. His recent activity in Africa focuses on an initiative of Jhpiego (an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) called Safe Surgery 2020, a program designed to provide person-centered surgical care with greater access, safer and improved outcomes for patients in Ethiopia and Tanzania.

Dr. Tabbush's history of public service includes chairing the Official Salaries Authority of the City of Los Angeles and serving as a peer reviewer for the World Health Organization. He was a commissioner for the California Worker's Compensation Insurance Commission and for the Los Angeles City Civil Service Commission. He serves on the external advisory Group of the Maternal and Newborn Health Unit of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and at the UCLA School of Medicine Program in World Health. He has been a core faculty member in both the Blue Shield Foundation Clinic Leadership Institute Program and the California Health Care Foundation Leadership Program since the inception of both programs.

At UCLA Anderson, he served as director of the Office of Executive Education Programs and as senior associate dean and director of the school's Fully Employed MBA and Executive MBA programs. Dr. Tabbush has won Outstanding Teaching Awards in all three of UCLA's MBA programs - in the full-time MBA program (2000), the Executive MBA program (1998) and the Fully-Employed MBA program (1996).

Victor Tabbush