Readiness Services

SocioEconomix partners with national, regional, and municipal governments to improve self-sufficiency, economic independence, and outcomes related to public health, public safety, and emergency readiness. All of our readiness services are customized to suit the country’s requirements.

Our team begins with a thorough capabilities assessment of the government’s local or national needs, including a gap analysis, by working with diverse local partners from the public and private sector.  From there, we continue to work together to form a strategic plan, then use that plan to create an action agenda for implementation. This agenda may include a tailored curriculum to train local trainers, mobilizing our partners throughout California and the remaining United States to network and participate in the training.

Upon conclusion of our readiness services, SocioEconomix offers its team for real-time advisory during hazards and first crises until local government agencies, institutions, and the local private sector feel comfortable standing on their own.