Craig Fugate

Mr. Fugate works with SocioEconomix consulting with senior government officials on emergency readiness. Previously, he served as Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the Obama administration from May 2009 to January 2017.  He led FEMA through multiple record-breaking disaster years and oversaw the federal government response to major events such as the Joplin and Moore Tornadoes, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Matthew, and the 2016 Louisiana flooding. 

Mr. Fugate fostered a community-oriented approach to emergency management to build sustainable and resilient communities.  On his watch, FEMA awarded more than $19 billion in preparedness grants, supported more than 700 drills and exercises in 47 states, and had more than 40 million participants take part in grassroots community preparedness drills.  FEMA invested more than $7 billion into hazard mitigation assistance during Mr. Fugate’s tenure even as the Agency took steps to require disaster grantees to rebuild using hazard resistant codes and standards in FEMA-funded post-disaster grant projects. 

Mr. Fugate is a tireless advocate for technology and innovation in emergency management.  Under his leadership, FEMA led the federal government in freeing its data and allowing the general public to make use of it.  He oversaw a dramatic increase in online registration for federal disaster assistance through a streamlined, single front-door portal. He also directed the creation of a FEMA App that enables FEMA response efforts through public reporting functionality, supports individuals and families with preparedness tips and hazard alerts, and helps survivors access FEMA assistance when disaster strikes. 

Prior to his service at FEMA, Mr. Fugate served as Florida’s Emergency Management Director. As the State Coordinating Officer for 11 Presidentially-declared disasters, he managed more than $4 billion in Federal disaster assistance. In response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Florida launched the largest mutual aid response in its history in support severely impacted states. 

In 2016, he was the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Lacy E. Suiter Award honoree for lifetime achievements and contributions in the field of emergency management.  Mr. Fugate began his emergency management career as a volunteer firefighter, paramedic, and a Lieutenant with the Alachua County Fire Rescue.

Craig Fugate