Greg Szekeres

Greg Szekeres works with SocioEconomix advising on a range of global development programs. Previously, he served as Managing Director of David Geffen School of Medicine global health center, with responsibility for strategic planning, high-level development, and oversight of all programs.

Mr. Szekeres operationalized the UCLA Center’s vision and mission, and led the planning, development, implementation, and monitoring for a diverse array of international academic activities. He assisted a wide range of faculty and clinical departments with technical expertise in how to develop and implement international educational and research initiatives.

He additionally developed, with UCLA Health, a system for vetting all international academic and business partnerships at the Vice Chancellor level; developed and managed data on over 200 UCLA School of Medicine faculty and departmental international programs in >60 countries; worked to build synergies and align strategies to strengthen UCLA’s global presence and impact; and liaised with other schools on campus and outside organizations to build successful international partnerships.

Mr. Szekeres developed and oversaw a 7-year, $50+ million NIH-funded clinical trial on HIV prevention at five sites in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, including day-to-day global operations; coordinated over 15 U.S. and international partner academic intuitions and institutional review boards; and produced over 50 peer-reviewed publications, of which he was an author on six.

In addition, he co-created the UCLA – Partners in Hope program in Malawi, which has hosted dozens of UCLA Medicine residents and medical students, attracted significant USAID funding, and has reduced the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Malawi from 30% to 3%.

Greg Szekeres